Saturday, June 6, 2009

wuuuu...... wuuuu...... wuuuuu.......

my 2 weeks holidays adi gone half.....
the past half of the holiday gone wf meaninglesss.....
d another 1 week oso dunnoe wat can i do.....

suddenly remond d nan quan mama's song....
wat can i dooooo....]

day:boring saturday....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

saddddd lo!!!!!

very sad laaaaa........
my classmate hav 2 go away after this holiday liao.......
tat is cui yee looooo.......
she hav 2 leave us liao laaaaa........
very sad n dissapointed laaaaaa.......
hope she never go 2 bm n leave us here laaaaa........

Sunday, October 26, 2008

happpiiiii 4 getting this.......

this is my new buy ''dian nao zi dian'' ooooo......
tat day d promoter came 2 my skul n promoted 1........
is my mummy n daddy buy 4 me 1 oooooo.........
look right PDA hor.........^^
very happppiiii 4 getting this!!!!

Exam result almost get all liao.....

almost adi get all this year end exam result liaooooo........
i think tat no so good laaaa.......
it is out of my wishes laaaaa.......
i hope i will get a nice result 4 d next year exam looooo.......
hope like tat la.......


Haizzzz laaaa.......
i adi 4get my old account addresss laaa......
2 long time no sign in liao........
y so so 4got-ful leh.....